George Rowlett’s way of working en plein air involves strapping to his bicycle all the paraphernalia needed for a day’s work and setting off to his chosen site. It also means that in the evening, when the day’s work is finished, it all happens again in reverse.Working on boards as big as 4 feet square and getting through upwards of 3 litres of paint in a day it involves such a colossal effort that his subjects tend to be only a short journey from his studio.
So, when an invitation to paint in a totally different location is made it is usually grasped and, in the summer of 2018, he accepted an offer to paint in the garden of the award-winning garden designer Sarah Price in Abergavenny, Wales. A walled garden where he could store all of his materials and where he could set up his easel each morning of a two week stay and paint for as long as the light lasted.
George Rowlett: Walmer and the Garden of Sarah Price (2019)
Publication Details
Includes essay by John Lahr.
To find out more about the artist and the exhibition view the press release.
Browse the exhibition catalogue online.